
Phase 1: Public testnet launch

  • Public user testing on testnet

  • Heavy protocol changes based on user feedback

  • Frequent frontend iterations

Phase 2: Mainnet testrun

  • Temporary protocol deployment on Base mainnet with low deposit limits

  • Stress test of risk management features including loss distribution, liquidation, etc.

  • Quick addition of many collateral types with risky parameters

  • Direct control of protocol parameters by deployer

  • Last chance to make contract changes before code freeze

  • Beginning of audits and security contests

Phase 3: Guarded launch

  • Full protocol redeployment after applying audit recommendations

  • Official GTR token launch

  • Indirect control of protocol parameters by deployer behind a timelock

  • Slow raise of deposit limits in order to ensure battletestness

  • Slow addition of new collateral types with conservative parameters

  • Bug bounty program

Phase 4: Governance launch

  • Deployment of protocol governance, including proposal voting and liquid voting

  • Beginning of public 3-year liquidity lock-up event

  • Transfer of protocol contracts' ownership to the on-chain DAO

Last updated